Pest Control Johor | Termite Treatment | Disinfection Services

Pest Library

Pantry Pests

The pests of pantry or stored products are so many that it is not possible to discuss them in a short time. The most common stored product insects that are commonly found in warehouses, processing plants, mills, retails stores and houses. These insects are mostly found in dried products such as grains, milled cereal products, spices, dried fruits, herbs etc. Most stored product insects originate from the tropical and subtropical areas. As a result, they live and reproduce under warm, humid conditions.

Infestation of stored product insects can come from infested commodities in the warehouse, from cracks and crevices, or insects that flies into buildings from the outside (neighbouring warehouses or mills).
Storage pests would rather prefer different food choices to suit their different nutritional requirements. Depending on this requirement, these pest can be categorized as:
  • Primary Pests
    are able to feed on whole, healthy and well-stored grains.
  • Secondary Pests
    can only attack broken grain, moist, soft grain and grain damaged by primary pests or processed products e.g. flour.
  • Mould indicating Pests
    live partially or entirely on fungi and their presence are always associated with moisture.
  • Scavengers
    live largely on dusts, excrement of other insects or dead insects. They do not usually feed on the stored product itself, but often pose a serious contamination problem.
  • Predators
    live entirely or partially on insects, mostly on their larvae.

Service Provided

In most cases involving houseflies around homes, the ways to them are Sanitation (Eliminate all sources of attraction) and Exclusion (Keep out flies by the use of window and door screens). For long-term relief of fly problems, engage in professional services like Diamond Pest Control.
  • Contact Insecticides
    Kill insects that contact treated surfaces or air spaces. They are usually used against insects that crawl or fly in open spaces or structural surfaces of grain elevators, flour and feed mills and warehouses. Certain low mammalian toxicity insecticides can be admixed with stored grain to protect it from insect pests or to control established infestations.
  • Fumigation
    Has the ability to control adults, pupae, larvae and eggs in stored produce. When applied correctly, fumigation is very successful. The tiny gas molecules can easily penetrate large stacks of grain right into the individual grains, reaching and killing all stages of development of the pests. Mainly there are two types of fumigants that can be used in stored product. They are phosphine and methyl bromide. Methyl bromide is no longer recommended as it destroys the ozone layer.
Pest Control Johor | Termite Treatment | Disinfection Services